Fall Foot Health: Treating Bunions and Hammertoes
With the fall season approaching, it’s a great time to consider your foot health! If you are experiencing pain or discomfort from bunions or hammertoes and need relief, we have a variety of treatment options that might help.
Bunion & Hammertoe Treatment Options:
Are you suffering from bunions or hammertoes? Here is a range of treatment options that may help to ease discomfort.
Custom Orthotics
Orthotic devices help support the joint and redirect pressure away from painful areas. Depending on your needs, these can be custom-made (ask us!).
Shoe Protective Padding
Using protective padding inside your shoes can help reduce friction and pressure, which in turn decreases inflammation and the formation of corns and calluses.
Joint mobility and strength are essential in managing bunions and hammertoes.
For more severe pain, injections may help reduce inflammation and provide temporary relief.
When conservative treatments aren’t enough, surgical options may be necessary. We offer a variety of surgical solutions tailored to your condition.
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Portsmouth Office
14 Manchester Square, Suite 250
Portsmouth, NH 03801
Nashua Office
17 Riverside Street, Suite 205
Nashua, NH 03062
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