That Elusive Invisible Pebble
If you have a neuroma, the feeling of it is probably driving you nuts.
Right near the front of your foot, usually just beneath and between two of your toes, it feels like there’s a pebble there, or your sock is bunched up strangely. But shift as you might, it doesn’t really go away.
In fact, it can be downright painful! You might feel a tingling or burning sensation, like hot needles. It could be that your toes feel a bit numb, too. These feelings could be dull, only to suddenly shoot up in the ball of your foot while walking.
A neuroma is not fun, but there are things the podiatrists at our Portsmouth and Nashua offices can do to treat it.
Causes of Neuromas

- Those who consistently wear high heels or shoes with toe boxes that are too tight, placing extra pressure on the ball of the foot.
- Those who already have bunions, hammertoes, or flat feet.
- Athletes who are heavy into running, skiing, and other sports where pressure is frequently placed on the ball of the foot.
How Are Neuromas Treated?

Don’t Let a Neuroma Make You Reluctant to Step Out!
A neuroma can really make someone think twice about something as simple as going for a walk. All the more reason to get things taken care of at Northeast Foot and Ankle! We’ve helped patients from Newburyport, Exeter, Hampton, and even all the way up to York, Maine, so let us help you too.
Call our offices in Nashua or Portsmouth at (603) 431-6070 and we will schedule an appointment as soon as possible. As part of our exam, it may help to have answers to some of these questions in mind:
- When did the pain begin?
- Do you participate in physical activity? Which ones and how often?
- What kinds of shoes do you wear most often?
- Do certain shoes or activities increase or lessen your pain?
These will be a great start toward reaching a diagnosis and solutions.
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Portsmouth Office
14 Manchester Square, Suite 250
Portsmouth, NH 03801
Nashua Office
17 Riverside Street, Suite 205
Nashua, NH 03062
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