MLS Laser Therapy Can Help You Get Back on Your Feet Faster

by | Apr 20, 2020

While our office still remains open to serve the foot and ankle needs of our patients, we very much understand that many will still weigh whether they should come in for certain forms of treatment.

That is a completely normal and healthy concern to have.

We are doing all we can to provide alternative options for patients who can’t or would rather not visit the office. We are providing telemedicine services for anyone who can benefit from a remote consultation, and we are offering curbside pickup of medical equipment and products you may need, delivered by us straight to you while you wait in your car.

And when an in-office appointment is necessary, we are following—and often exceeding—all current and updated CDC guidelines to provide a sanitized and safe place for our patients. This includes keeping surfaces disinfected, using personal protective equipment, and keeping distance as frequently as possible.

We do not want you to be afraid to reach out to us for your foot and ankle needs, but also fully understand your concerns. We invite you to call us at (603) 431-6070 to discuss your current situation and whether it is something we would recommend coming in for.

In some cases, certain treatments we provide here may be more beneficial for you to receive now rather than waiting—if the option of waiting is even present to begin with! One such potential treatment is our MLS laser therapy.

Laser Therapy Can Help Speed Up the Recovery Clock

One of the primary benefits of MLS laser therapy is how it can stimulate the body’s own natural repair processes via its specifically tuned wavelengths of energy. This means that certain injuries to soft tissues can heal faster than they might have been able to via more traditional forms of treatment only.

This effect has many advantages under normal circumstances, and may be even more helpful to some patients when outside factors leave their present state at a higher risk. Certain examples may include:

  • Patients who have suffered sports injuries, such as sprains and fractures. Laser therapy may help such injuries recover faster, reducing a patient’s downtime and allowing them to safely begin reconditioning sooner.
  • Patients who are recovering from surgery. If a surgical procedure has been necessary to perform during this time, we might recommend MLS laser therapy as a means to accelerate your recovery and reduce infection risks, whether you have an additional high-risk condition or not.

Injuries do not have to be acute to benefit from the pain-relieving and recovery-accelerating factors of laser therapy, however.

Chronic sources of pain, such as Achilles tendinitis and plantar fasciitis, may also receive significant help from this advanced form of treatment. If you are someone who must go out every day as part of your work or duty—well, first, thank you so much! But second, helping you recover faster can give you one less matter to worry about.

Every Case is Different

MLS laser therapy can be beneficial for many patients who need faster recovery and pain relief sooner. That said, we will not recommend that everyone receive it.

We must consider multiple factors before we could recommend MLS laser therapy to a patient—although the same runs true for most every form of treatment we provide.

When it comes to MLS laser therapy, for example, it is often performed over a number of sessions spanning a number of weeks. While the beneficial effects of the therapy (e.g. pain relief, accelerated recovery) tend to stack with each successive session, we still must determine whether this type of timeframe will work best for each patient. In many cases, it absolutely will; but other forms of treatment may be better for some.

MLS laser therapy is a fantastic treatment we provide, but not our only one. We will discuss the pros and cons of each option with you and provide our best recommendations for your individual needs.

We Have Options for Your Foot and Ankle Needs

Whether MLS laser therapy is a viable option for you at this time, or another treatment—or even waiting for now—would be better, the last thing we want you to have to do is sit at home without any expert advice or direction whatsoever.

We remain here to help, whether that happens here in the office or from screen to screen over a telemedicine consultation. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us, either by calling (603) 431-6070 or by filling out our online contact form. A member of our staff will be happy to speak with you, discuss your questions and concerns, and set up an appointment that works best for you.

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14 Manchester Square, Suite 250
Portsmouth, NH 03801

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17 Riverside Street, Suite 205
Nashua, NH 03062