
Arthritis in the Big Toe

Arthritis in the Big Toe

I Can’t Move My Big Toe One of the more common complaints heard in our office setting is pain with any movement of the big toe joint.  And the most common underlying cause of pain in this area is arthritis.  Arthritis can occur in almost any of the joints in the foot,...

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Frostbite on Your Feet

Frostbite on Your Feet

Frostbite is a real danger in New England. Hands and feet account for 90% of all cold related injuries. Men are affected by it more than women by a ratio of 10:1. Frostbite occurs when the tissues of the body are reduced to a temperature that stops blood flow. As...

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Achilles Tendon Rupture

Achilles Tendon Rupture

Achilles’ tendon injuries comprise a significant portion of sports (and everyday) injuries of the foot and ankle. The injuries can be as minor as tendonitis or as major as a tendon rupture. Highlighted today will be the latter and the surgical intervention that...

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Let’s Talk Plantar Warts

Let’s Talk Plantar Warts

What You Need To Know About Plantar Warts One of the most common complaints that walks through the door is “I think I have a plantar wart.”  In my own experience, this claim is accurate only a small portion of the time, however. There are many different differential...

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Nail Surgery

Nail Surgery

Ingrown nail surgery is the most common in office procedure we perform at Northeast Foot and Ankle. However, this procedure really seems to scare our patients. Often they wait until the nail becomes very painful, and even infected, to deal with the issue. The have a...

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Toe Trauma

Toe Trauma

Subungual Hematomas Let me guess ... you dropped something on your toe? ... or stubbed it on a piece of furniture? Fortunately, after the inital pain, these clumsy little mishaps generally cause no further discomfort. However, sometimes the trauma will cause painful...

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Bunion Surgery

Bunion Surgery

What Can I Expect with Bunion Surgery? This is not a cosmetic procedure.  It is performed with the goals of improving function and reducing pain in the foot. That being said, patients are often very satisfied with how their foot looks after the procedure.  The foot is...

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What is Growing on my Little Toe?

What is Growing on my Little Toe?

WHAT IS THIS GROWTH ON MY TOE? ... a mucoid cyst! Growths, or cysts, on the little toes are a somewhat common problem that we see here in the office. Most often these appear in middle aged and elderly people, and more often than not they occur in women. These pesky...

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How to Trim Toenails

How to Trim Toenails

Dr. Clark is on the blog today answering... "How Do I Trim My Toenails?"  Toenail trimming may seem like a simple concept, but there are certain things you should do to prevent a disaster in your toes.  Improper trimming of toenails can lead to ingrown toenails, pain,...

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14 Manchester Square, Suite 250
Portsmouth, NH 03801

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17 Riverside Street, Suite 205
Nashua, NH 03062