
How Do I Wash My Sneakers?

How Do I Wash My Sneakers?

We were never taught how to tell our patients to wash their shoes in podiatry school but it’s a question I get asked ALL the time- and for good reason. Sneakers can get nasty. Let’s all face it our sneakers take a beating! Internally from all the sweat and externally...

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Fall 2017 Events

Fall 2017 Events

Heel Pain Doc Talk September 7th, 2017 at 5:30 pmRunner's Alley (website)104 Congress Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801 Our doctors are runners and competitors in a variety of athletic events. They understand the setbacks and frustrations that injuries bring about. We will...

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Big Toe = Big Part of Running

Big Toe = Big Part of Running

Today we introduce our newest physician to the blog, Dr. Allen Clark! Dr. Clark works in our Nashua Office and he accepts new patients. The great toe joint, aka the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint, has the job of bearing most of the weight of your body each time you...

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Today we are doing our best to tackle a tough topic. We are frequently asked about the usage of opiods and their safely.  Abuse and/or overly prescribing narcotic medications is extremely dangerous. Narcotics are only safe when used appropriately as prolonged use can...

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I Think I Have Flat Feet

I Think I Have Flat Feet

“I think I have flatfeet…”  is a concern I hear from patients daily. Half of them are correct, half of them are not, but none of them know the biomechanical issues and potential dangers that can occur in the flat foot.   What is a flat foot? A flat foot is a specific...

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4th of July Safety Tips

4th of July Safety Tips

Here are some tips to keep everyone in your family safe this holiday:  1. Wear sunscreen! Even on your feet. Hats and light clothing aren’t bad ideas either to help with sun exposure. Invest in a wide brimmed hat for young children. To protect your skin,...

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Portsmouth Office

14 Manchester Square, Suite 250
Portsmouth, NH 03801

Nashua Office

17 Riverside Street, Suite 205
Nashua, NH 03062